Saturday, May 17, 2014

When change gets real; So long 8-1-5

As I wrap up my packing, I finally get a chance to sit down and soak in the fact that tonight is my last night as a resident of "the 8-1-5" (that's what we call my house). I can still remember the anticipation of moving in after signing the lease. And I also remember lugging all of the many things I own into this place, mentally visualizing how I was going to set everything up and how my future was going to play out during college. It might well be an understatement to say I was naive back then...heck, I still am now. It's much different living in a house that functions as your own. There's cleaning to do, bills to pay, other people to live and share with. Luckily for me I was blessed with two beautiful women for roommates. Both beautiful but both starkly different. There's the head strong, confrontational, tell-you-what-she-thinks one who is also about as loyal and trustworthy as they come. She knows who she is and she genuinely is herself. Then the other is more quiet but very smart and artistically talented. She's always willing to be there when needed and never fails at putting others first. Together with my dislike of confrontation, tendency to "mother" people, and preference of the morning to night, we made quite an interesting trio...but it worked, and I am sad to say that our journey together as roommates has come to an end. I had thought I had so much time but change really does sneak up on a person. Now it's time to say goodbye and I find myself here alone with one roommate away in her hometown and the other abroad. Where did the past 2 years go? And how am I different from that excited college freshman as I approach my senior year?

That's quite a lot to reflect on huh? I mean its only 2 years but we are talking 19 to 21. The two ages are separated by much more than just time. This house witnessed just about all of my college growing pains and boy did I have my fair share. If walls could talk is perhaps a cliche but is a phrase that at this time really tickles my fancy (another cliche). The memories are flooding in and a smile is stuck on my face. Seriously though, who was that girl? Seems to me she's just about as long gone as she is exactly the same. Confused yet? I know I am. As apart of her as I feel, there's no doubting the separation, the growth and development that has occurred. It is in this house that I learned (arguably still am) what my preferred clothing style is. It is here that I created both my most effective and my most distracting studying habits. Here is where I slowly but surely began to settle into a path for the future as hazy and uncertain as it still may be. I've expressed just about every emotion possible behind my closed bedroom door as well as in my public living room, even fear. (Remind me to recount the story of the first time we called the cops some other time.) It is here that (cliche coming right up...wait for it...) I discovered myself. And I'll still be discovering myself in my next place of residence. And long after junk mail addressed to Cherise Klekar stops being delivered to the old black mailbox by the road I will still be discovering the person God created in my mother's womb over 21 years ago. But isn't that part of the fun?

You see, we were all created with a purpose and given a path that is sure to fulfill the deepest desires of our hearts and lead us to holiness which is also happiness because it is union with our Creator. Figuring that purpose out tends to be the tricky part. Because of free will, we can choose to pursue any purpose via any path we want. However, I suggest that we all want God's purpose for us and God's path. This is because as creatures, we naturally long for our Creator. At the core of all of our decisions is an infinite desire that can only be filled by an Infinite Being. We will never be satisfied by earthly wonders or worldly passions. These things will only leave us feeling more empty and increase our hunger. Even the good of this world can't quench our thirst.

I once heard that "God's will is merely our will purified." God will never ask something of you that isn't moving you towards perfection. Yes, I said it: perfection. What is that other cliche? Oh yea...nobody's perfect. Does the fact that no one (aside from our Lord Jesus Christ who took on our flesh) has yet achieved perfection during this life render it an impossibility? Our good ole road map to Heaven says that for God all things are possible. And in fact it also commands us to be holy as our heavenly father is holy. God demands perfection from us but He's God so He's about as realistic as they come and He knows (He created us remember?) that we can't get there on our own. He also knows that we may not get there on this earth but with His grace and our cooperation, we can move into that great big mansion in the sky where Jesus says He will go and prepare a place for [us]. 

Change is going to happen. It's healthy and natural, and if we let Him, God will guide us through the many transitions of life making them as smooth as possible. He will also help ensure that we are making the right transitions for the perfection He created us for.

So why are we so scared of change and the future? The Author of our lives has already written the perfect ending. We have only to say "yes" to the little promptings He gives us throughout the day. Grow closer to Him and learn the sound of His voice by spending time daily in prayer. It is no coincidence that the Lord depicts Himself as the Good Shepherd for sheep know the sound of their shepherd's voice and heed his every command. Let us be Christ the Good Shepherd's little lambs joyfully scampering wherever His guiding hand leads us, even when it leads us away from a place we once called home.

So long familiar place...hello change.

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