The Waiting Game
I was blessed with two beautiful days with my big brother immersing myself in the culture of his life, experiencing his prayer life and enjoying the company of his friends. Today, I got to the airport early and refusing to sit, walked around exploring terminal E. I received an unexpected call from some of the Apostles who are currently at their Catholic Spiritual Mentorship Program in Kansas City. I have been an "intern" there the past two sessions and my heart is quite upset and misses all of the program's participants and Sisters since I am not there this week. It was pure joy to hear some of the Sisters' voices and to be assured of their prayers for me. Following this, Mom and I had a short and sweet phone call, I bought a bagel from Einstein Brothers (with the grand idea of eating half before and half after my flight that cuts right thru lunch), and finally...I boarded. Joining me on the flight is a nice mother and son duo reading aloud to each other. The mother so generously offered me one of her magazines and so now I bury my nose in Martha Stewart's Living praying that my travel sickness medicine kicks in real soon. (11:00am - take off Dallas)
Goodbye good ole USofA
After a rushed stay at the Atlanta airport including a quick stop and eat at McDonald's (don't hate the McNuggets!) and a short wait at gate E10, I am on board Delta flight 0240 to Rome, Italy. (Insert nervous/excited laugh here). Many emotions are surging through me right now. Excitement, fading disbelief as it gets more real, nerves, fear. I also have two opposing desires of getting off this flight. Part of me hates that it's sooo long (especially since my pills didn't terminate all of the motion sickness during the last flight) and the other part of me doesn't want to land because then the reality sets in and I have to start speaking the language I've been studying. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited about doing so but I expect flawless performance from myself especially with 4 semesters under my belt and I cringe at the thought of the painful growth in humility I will soon undergo. But virtue is always good and I definitely need more of that one. Sitting here on this huge plane, an Airbus 330 (shoutout to my aerospace engineer (i.e. Rocket scientist) brother!), I feel very well taken care of. My seat came with a pillow and blanket. Each seat has its own tv screen with a USB and earphone plug-in capability, and at its widest point, the plane has a row of 2 then 4 then 2! I'm used to flying in planes with 3 - 2 and even 2 - 1. Also, my inexperience with flying says take all the "free" stuff. "Ear phones? Eye mask?" "Yes, please. Both."
I'm currently texting my brother (referred to from now on by his name: Brandon) furiously as if I won't talk to him ever again and I didn't download the wifi capable texting apps already, but turning this phone on airplane mode is gonna be one of the hardest things I've done yet. It's like sealing the deal and seemingly cutting off contact! And I did it! My phone is permanently (for the next two months at least) on airplane mode. At least my battery life will be good! You can reach me on Facebook, my blog, whatsapp, or viber. Oh my gosh we're moving. The plane is moving and the flight attendant repeats everything in Italian. This is getting real y'all! (3:55 take off Atlanta)
the last of Brandon and my's texts...haha |
Up Here With the Stars
Well, according to my personal screen, there is 1 hr and 38 minutes left of my flight. I've done nothing I said I'd do (namely study and sleep). However, I have managed to watch a movie, 3 tv episodes, and sleepily prayed the rosary. Most appropriately I was only able to restfully shut my eyes in Mother Mary's arms. I first watched Saving Mr. Banks which was quite incredible and I highly recommend it. Although, I came near to tears too much for a plane full of complete strangers. I pulled the randomly look out the window and rub my "itching" left eye trick a couple times. And I don't think I was discovered! Then I enjoyed an hour of The Mentalist but most pleasing of all (sorry Patrick Jane) I finally heeded the advice of my much loved former roommate and watched two episodes of Sherlock. I couldn't just watch one. It really is a very captivating tv series. The length of each episode makes it basically a movie allowing much time for plot development without loose strings to make it work. There are endless twists to keep your mind working (as Sherlock would consider perfectly normal activity), and I gave up figuring out the true story ten minutes in to the first episode. Anyways, all this to encourage you to seek it out. It's on Netflix. During one of my attempts at hiding tears I looked out and found myself flying amongst the stars. Of course it makes perfect sense that it would be night time over the Atlantic but my internal clock still expected evening at most. Despite my morning-person tendencies, I've always been a lover of the night sky and this magic carpet ride did not disappoint. We were above the clouds so they couldn't obscure my view and with my motion sickness pills working (finally) I could look out longer than 2 minutes with no side effects. Seeing the stars I pondered their distance. They looked just as small as they do from the Earth. How vast is this universe He's created, and how much more vast is the Creator Himself. Sadly I missed the transition from day to night but as I now fly over Europe (gasp) I watch as morning is born over France. And what a beautiful morning The Lord has granted us. Well, has granted Europe because according to Texas time which is 10:42 if I calculate correctly, most of you haven't even gone to bed yet!
Oh man here come the cleaning wipes, must be time for yet another meal. I've eaten more on this flight...haha but hey, like I said earlier, this girl ain't turning nothing down. I'm getting my money's worth out of this. Plus I'm thinking its a safe bet to call this my last meal til lunch. And I'm also thinking it would have been good to get some sleep during the flight. It's gonna be a long day and jet lag is not gonna be fun, but know what will be fun? Being in Rome! And not just being in Rome but being there with the much loved House of Formation of the Apostles of the Interior Life. What a relief it'll be to see familiar faces in a foreign land! I just have navigate my way to their apartment but I have their address and bus numbers. How hard could it be, right? Well, I'm thinking I have enough time to sneak in another tv episode so I bid you farewell until my next blog entry later today. Hopefully I'll get this posted soon. Currently it's a note on my iPhone. Thank you copy and paste. (5:50 am - flying over France)
A few minutes before landing, the guy next to me started to ask if I'd been to Rome before and my intentions upon coming here. He then preceded to tell me that he works for the State Department and has been on Detail for Condoleezza Rice and Hilary Clinton in his career and is currently touring around the world taking security assessments of the US Embassies. He was very nice and, very interested, I asked many a question until we parted ways.Ironically enough, the first thing I see when we land in Roma and I push up my window screen are square bails. Wait what? This is not exactly what I expected. However, the airport had to be built outside of town because there is no room in it. Later I saw round bales too.
As far as feelings go, this about sums it up: "wow I'm here!" Now, I am just trying to play it cool and not look too tourist-y. I am also trying my italian out a bit and forcing myself to think in italian. Aside from this typing of course. First italian sentence said in Italy, spoken while holding out my pre-bought bus ticket: "dove vado?". Phew! Got that over with! Currently I'm on a bus waiting to be transported to termini station which is in the city's center. I'm excited to drive through the city. Then I have to buy a bus ticket to get to the house of formation. That'll test some speaking and navigating the Train station skills but I'm up to the challenge. Excited to be here! Ready for the journey to begin and praying that my guardian angel be with me through it all! (8:42 am - Roma)
'Living the Roman lifestyle'
Getting here, the Apostles' House of Formation, turned out not to be too bad. I had to search a bit for the place to buy the bus tickets after arriving at Termini Station but once I did that there were many signs clearly indicating where to get onto the correct bus. Once on the bus I felt more secure in my traveling. I knew that it was just a matter of time before I would be greeted by someone who knew my name. Tatum filled that role and was especially good to me this day. After showing me around and making sure I was settled, she invited me on a rosary walk and meditation to a nearby park which we just returned from. At 11:30, I did my Holy Hour and thanked Jesus for guiding me safely here. I know that without His help (urged on by the prayers of many of you - thanks by the way) I would not have felt so confident and comfortable with making my way to this place alone. Fr. Salvatore Scorza, the founder of the Apostles of the Interior Life (AVI - as I may refer to them later) stopped in the chapel and delighted me with a short conversation around 12:30. I was nervous at first but his welcoming nature and genuine smiled quelled all fears rather quickly. At our conversation's end, I returned to the apartment of the AVI (Padre lives across the hall) for lunch and I was welcomed by none other than the beautiful girls in formation that I met back home (Kalin, Brittany, and Katie). I also got to meet Ruth and Francesca. Two other girls living at the house were and still are out doing apostolate today. Lunch guessed it...pasta! Finished off with salad and a bowl of fruit. Brittany and I had a nice conversation over the dishes after midday prayer and then I finally retired to my room for a short nap. I allowed myself 30 minutes just to rejuvenate. I fear that if I let myself sleep I won't get up and I need to align my body with the sleep schedule of this place which is 6 hrs ahead of mine back home. After that nap and a nice chat with Kalin, Tatum and I set off on that rosary walk and meditation. It is such a beautiful day with the bright sun high in the sky, a few puffy white clouds for good measure, and a refreshing wind to keep off the heat. A perfect day for a walk in a mostly shaded park. On the way back we ran into Joel (one of the two seminarians for the AVI male branch). I met Joel last August when he and Alex (the other seminarian) visited St. Mary's in College Station along with Sr. Janel and Katie. And finally, Tatum and I found ourselves back here where I sit at the desk of Sr. Janel who is out with the other vowed Sisters during their annual spiritual exercises. I think they will return tomorrow but I am not certain. Until mass at 7, I think I am free to do whatever. Thus, I chose this although arguably I should be studying up on a little Italian since I have a placement test coming up on Monday. I think I'll get to see more of Rome tomorrow and for that I am super excited. (6:09 pm - House of Formation)First Impressions
(1) God is good! My mediation today was over the day's Gospel (Mt 28:16-20) which speaks of the apostles' perseverance through doubt that led them to the Risen Christ. This reminded me that even when I am worried or having second thoughts according to the butterflies fluttering in my stomach about something I've prayed over and discerned, going towards it in trust and obedience is the first step towards the door that leads ever closer to Christ. When we feel that our spirit is troubled, we should draw near to Him and allow Him to reveal to us His glory. We should not succumb to our human weaknesses and fall away. It is also comforting to see that those who worshipped yet doubted Christ are precisely the ones He commanded to "make disciples of all nations." Christ isn't waiting for perfection from us to send us out (no one would ever be sent in that case). Christ desires that we meet people where they are at by coming to terms with where we are at. Let us all make it our resolution to turn to the Lord in faith when doubt troubles our souls even with a simple sentence: "Lord help my unbelief."(2) Romans really do drive crazy! Looking out the bus window I saw cars going all different directions. They used the shoulders as a lane in the road and sped up to cut people off like nowhere I've ever seen before. Mopeds and motorcycles are the worst at this. They literally weave in and out of traffic to advance towards their destination.
(3) Olympians live well (even in the 60s). The Apostles live in the old Olympic village from the XVII Olympic Games. I have always wondered what those villages were like and here I am staying in one. These rooms are huge and rather over equipped for an athlete who will no doubt spend most of their time at their athletic facilities, but it works out for the Apostles who actually live in 2 apartments (one on top of the other) with 12 girls crammed into what used to seem like a lot of space.
(4) Public Transportation = Good. I don't know how I would have made it here without the bus system here in Rome. Why doesn't the United States take a hint already. Here you can take a bus to just about anywhere without worrying about parking, gas, or even dealing with the driving.
(5) I could get used to this. I kinda like Rome.

Ahaha Cherise! It's so nice to hear your comments on public transportation in Rome and the traffic! ;-)
ReplyDeleteYou are awesome sharing this with all of us back here...keep the details coming!