Why This?
Why are you anxious...Learn from the way the wildflowers grow. Mt. 6:28
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Smelling bluebonnets in my beloved "Back 40" (2012) |
This little verse of scripture has been following me for a couple of months now so when I decided to start a blog, this title was the obvious choice. However, those of you who know me, know it was not an easy one. I had to try out a few different phrases and look at examples from some of my friends' blogs to finally commit to this particular arrangement of words: "Learning from wild flowers."
When I was doing Lectio Divina on Mt. 6:25-34 with a beautiful group of girls here in Aggieland my meditation kept bringing me back to this one verse. Why was God asking me to learn from a wild plant (a weed by some's standards) whose lifespan lasted but a season at best if not trampled, mowed over, or poisoned before the season's end. Why was He emphasizing the wildflower's growth? And how was I supposed to follow suit?
One of the things I've learned from my years of formation here at St. Mary's Catholic Center, is to always consult the context of Scripture when practicing mental prayer (also called Meditation of which Lectio Divina is one method). The section of Matthew's Gospel that I was meditating over is adequately called Dependence on God. It is from this passage that spring some of Matthew's most famous words:
Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life...But seek first the kingdom (of God) and his righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides. Do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself.These words have often been salve for my anxious heart. However, Jesus wanted me to see a different part of the passage this time.
Why are you anxious about clothes? Learn from the way the wild flowers grow. They do not work or spin. But I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was clothed like one of them. If God so clothes the grass of the field, which grows today and is thrown into the oven tomorrow, will he not much more provide for you, O you of little faith?How applicable these words are to my life. They are all about trust and contentment. The way I see it, wild flowers have three main actions in their growth: (1) they accept where they're at (2) they depend on and cooperate with the sustenance given them by the Creator and (3) they grow into beautiful blooms that bring joy and smiles to all who see them. Are we not called to do the same? God planted us here in this specific place and time for a reason - not by chance or randomly - but to carry out a unique and important mission right where we're at. And the best part is that all we have to do is cooperate with God's grace and trust that He'll take care of the rest. And when this happens, when we let go and let God, our lives don't only bless us but bring joy and smiles to all others who cross our paths. So this is my challenge to you:
Be a Wild Flower.
Why Now?
In little over a month, I will be embarking on my second grandest adventure yet (the first being my relationship with our Beloved Lord). I am going to Italy! This blog is my opportunity to chronicle my journey and bring y'all along with me. I'm hoping to provide entertaining stories and fruits of my travels on a relatively regular basis. My desire is to be a wild flower as I embrace this opportunity the Lord has given me by cooperating with His many blessings and graces so to glorify Him in all that I do this summer and the rest of my life. What I look forward to most in my travels is being surprised by the many ways He is sure to make Himself present to me and for His revelation of how I am to bring others to this same encounter.
I hope that I can count on your prayers since I will be needing them so desperately. Almost three months away from home and speaking a new language alone warrants the need in my book! Also, please be assured of my prayers for you. I am always ready to take your prayer requests so don't be shy about sending them my way. Being in Italy, it will be hard not to pleasantly stumble upon a saint's relic or a site rich in Church history so I would love to take your prayer requests there with me. No intention is too small. He Who already knows our needs just wants us to voice them to prove that we know that He is the only One who can meet them so let me help you do that.
Oh and also, to end on a practical note: yes, I am definitely nervous about this summer but that's merely because I am still learning from the way the wild flowers grow...
Beautiful Words.
ReplyDeletePlease take my request of healing for my sister Terry, who is battling cancer. May God bless you with health and happiness on your journey of watching those wild flowers flourish. Donna Shimek- 2nd grade teacher (so proud of you)
Terry has already been in my prayers and this is certain to continue. Thank you for all you've done for me throughout the years. Know that you, Coach Shimek, and your beautifully expanding family will be in my prayers as well!