Sunday, January 12, 2025

Newsletter Update January 2025

Dear Family and friends,

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and Happy Feast of the Baptism of the Lord!

I want to start off by acknowledging the fact that I did not send any updates over the summer months. I could sit here and try to list off the many reasons why that didn't happen, but, if I am being completely honest, the biggest reason is that I just didn't make the time. But don't worry! I do not plan to "make up for lost time" by doubling the length of this newsletter. We will follow the same pattern as usual - the tried and true method - and I'll fill you in on important events, a story from this past year, what's moving in my heart, and how you can join me in prayer. So, here goes...

Important Events

June 2024 - We had our General Assembly that happens every 5 years. In these days of meetings we sought to invoke the Holy Spirit as a community and cast a vision together (and with Him) about the next 5 years. We also elected our new "government": Sr. Michela was re-elected as our General Superior and we elected Sr. Debbie, Sr. Clara, Sr. Raffaella, and Sr. Tatum as the council members who accompany and advise Sr. Michela in her leadership. 

August 2024 - we started renting the house across the street from our College Station home (provided to us by St. Mary's Catholic Center). This new rental is for purposes outside of our mission in Campus Ministry so it is an initiative administered totally by us Apostles of the Interior Life. Many generous friends, family members, and benefactors helped us turn this house into a home, and we've been in it for nearly half a year now! We continue to be greatly supported by those who desire to help us embark on this new adventure of living the first phase of formation in the States and of expanding our mission in this area of Texas. 

September 2024 - New Arrivals! Sr. Janel joined us in Texas after 20 years in Rome! Zennia Wong, a young women who has been discerning with our community since she graduated college in 2022, officially entered into the first phase of formation and moved in! Sr. Janel, Zennia, Sr. Tatum, and myself all live together in the new rental, but we still share many moments of prayer and community time with the sisters across the street with whom we still operate as one community under two roofs!

September 13, 2024 - My niece Mary Clare was born. She joins Shepherd (6  years) and Emma Kate (3.5 years) as children of my brother Brandon and his wife Jen.  

December 8, 2024 - Alexa Van Lerberg made her consecration as an Apostle of the Interior Life in her home parish of St. Joseph in Shawnee, KS. All of us sisters from Texas as well as a couple from Rome were present at this beautiful event. We were very warmly welcomed by Sr. Alexa's family and parish community, as well as by old friends of ours from the area. 

December 15, 2024 - I became a godmother (for the second time) to a beautiful little girl named Zara Maria.

Our humble new rental!

My new niece Mary Clare

Story Time 

The experience of this summer's General Assembly was truly a blessing for our community as well as for me personally in my walk of faith with the Lord. Desiring to live those 10 days fully, I really sought to ask the Lord how He wanted me to be present to each moment and how He wanted to encounter me during the Assembly. It was my first time to participate. The last General Assembly, five years ago, was held a few months before my consecration. I was both nervous and excited!

"Manda la tua verità e la tua luce; siano essi a guidarmi, mi portino al tuo monte santo e alle tue dimore." - Sal 42 

This verse from Psalm 42 (written above in Italian) appeared in the psalms of Morning Prayer on our retreat day before beginning the General Assembly. In English it reads: "Send your truth and your light; may they guide me, bring me to your holy mountain and your dwelling place". From the moment we prayed this verse, I knew it would accompany me throughout the following days' events. 

From this verse, it was clear to me that all the fruits of the General Assembly - every word, decision, conclusion - must come from the Lord. The frequency of the word "your" reminded me that I only desire what comes from the Lord and that my main "job" in these days would be to invoke Him, strain my ear to hear His voice, fix my gaze intently upon Him, and study each moment for signs of His presence. 

With the prayer of those few words so many things became immediately clear to me. A lightbulb had gone off and an immense peace had filled my heart. We were to seek to see the reality around us in the truth that comes from the Lord, with an openness to be purified in our own prejudices and biases in order to pursue the greatest good possible. He was offering us His light: a light that illuminates and gives warmth to the room where we would gather. He would be the guide. I was not to grasp onto control. I was to surrender and follow. I asked for the grace to submit, to "put myself under" His movements and promptings. He promised to bring us to dwell with Him in His holy place - a place where we would find real rest and restoration. A place to abide with Him in peace and serenity. A place from which to live out the mission He has entrusted to us, giving ourselves totally to Him and to His Church in the way He has uniquely called us to as Apostles of the Interior Life. 

Inspired by this prayer, I quickly developed a very concrete practice throughout our meetings which were comprised of moments of personal reflection, sharing, discussing, and lots of listening. This practice quickly took the form of a very simple, yet powerful prayer: "Lord, what are you saying to me right now? Lord, what do you want me to say?" Each morning (and multiple times throughout the day) I asked for the grace to trust and act upon what I perceived to be a prompting from the Lord either to notice a particular word or phrase said by one of my sisters or by the group as coming from Him or to recognize what word or phrase He was asking me to contribute to the group with my voice and my presence in the meetings. I asked for simplicity and confidence, and you know what? I believe that those days - in all their hours of meetings, logistics, the heat of the Roman summer, and the general tiredness that comes from so much mental concentration - were some of the most Holy Spirit filled days I have ever lived. No fireworks, no dramatic "ah-ha" moments but consistent peace and a newfound confidence that I knew couldn't come from me alone. 

I often return in my mind and heart to the experience of the General Assembly with great wonder and gratitude. It has become a model for me of how I desire to live in the ordinary of my daily life, not just in the 10 days of special meetings we have every 5 years. I can't say that I start each day in prayer with this verse from Psalm 42 or that I am, in the same way, constantly attuned to how the Lord may be speaking to me through others or may desire to speak to them through me. But, I do cultivate the memory of those days and recognize that I and my relationship with the Lord are changed (deepened and transformed) because of that experience. Thank you to all of you who knew about our meetings and accompanied us in prayer. Certainly your prayers contributed to the many graces and fruits we experienced then and are still experiencing now. 

The Sisters who participated in the General Assembly

Where's my heart?

As briefly mentioned above, this past December I celebrated 5 years of consecration. These past 5 years have been a time of growth and maturation, of exploration and discovery, of death to self and self-gift. It has been a time for me to continue (even now) to marvel at the fact that this is my reality. I am a consecrated woman in the community of the Apostles of the Interior Life. I dedicate my daily life to my relationship with the Lord and to accompanying others in their relationship with Him. Five years down, and I still can't seem to get over the surprise and wonder at such a gift!

At the same time, I am keenly aware of the monotony, the sacrifice, the humdrum that this life also offers me. I feel the challenge and the pain of the ways it asks me to grow and to be purified. I know that I can no longer hide behind the excuse of being one of "the little ones". With the passage of time, I am gradually being entrusted with more and more responsibility. I notice - sometimes all too clearly - my tendencies to selfishness or pride, the ways I try to save my life instead of lose it for the sake of Christ (see Mt 16:25). 

In the days around my anniversary, I was struck by a verse the Liturgy proposed to us from Isaiah 30:

"This is the way; walk in it." Is 30:21

Praying with these words reminded me very vividly that the Rule of Life and "style of living" of the Apostles of the Interior Life is my way. It is the way the Lord has laid before me and the way I have said a definitive "yes" to through my consecration. It is, ultimately, the way that leads to my personal holiness and, God willing, the way, if I truly walk in it, that most helps those around me take steps toward their personal holiness too. 

When I hear these words echo in my heart, this is the way; walk in it, I often find that they give me the courage to more fully immerse myself in this life, especially in what is hard or uncomfortable, or just - in my opinion - boring or useless. Throughout the day, I find myself before the choice to truly enter into a moment or just float over it, riding the surface and "multi-tasking" by thinking of other things. This can be applied during prayer when the temptation is to "go through the motions" or even during community meals or recreations when I am free to choose how present I am to my sisters. 

These words don't just give me courage but they also give me peace. When I am tempted to judge my prayer as unproductive or "too-this" or "not-enough-that", I can remember that my Rule of Life asks me to pray in a certain way each day, and when I do, I am walking in the way. When I am tempted to judge my sisters or blame certain personality types for making my life hard, I can find peace in knowing that by choosing to love and be in relationship with someone who is different from me, who is hard to love in a particular moment, precisely because she is my sister in community, I am walking in the way, my way...the way of the Lord for me. 

This "walking in the way" has become, at least in this moment of time, my way of setting my life solidly on the Rock that is Christ (see Mt 7:24-27). Through relationship, trust, patience, and living the present moment with Him, I find a stable source of security and peace. This becomes most concrete for me during an evening practice called the Daily Examen, that I've mentioned to y'all before. I also seek to live it at other times as a means of being united to the Lord throughout my day. 

Sr. Alexa's Consecration
Back from left: Sr. Tatum, Zennia, Sr. Briana, Sr. Kalin, Sr. Janel
Front from left: Sr. Clara, Sr. Michela, myself, Sr. Alexa, Sr. Ruth, Sr. Raffaella

Prayer Intentions

  • For the students at St. Mary's Catholic Center who we minister to, many of whom will be making big life decisions this semester and taking steps to deepen their relationship with the Lord in a world that isn't always supportive of them living their faith. 
  • For the women in formation with our community, especially Zennia who is in the first phase of formation here in Texas.
  • For Sr. Alexa as she begins her life as a consecrated woman with the Apostles of the Interior Life and for the mission she continues to live in Rome, Italy.
  • For our founder, Fr. Salvatore, who turned 98 last December: for his continued good health and high quality of life as long as the Lord desires to give us the gift of his presence here with us.
  • For my family: for good health and a deep faith through all of life's circumstances.
  • For my goddaughter Zara Maria (and her parents Nacho and Regina Zermeno) at the beginning of their journey as parents and her journey as a follower of Christ and dwelling place of the Holy Spirit. 
  • For the year of 2025, that all the "new" may be grace-filled and immersed in the Father's blessing. 

United in Him,
Sr. Cherise

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Newsletter Update January 2024

Dear Family and Friends,

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Unto us a Child is born, One who is to bring salvation to all the nations. What good and joyful news for us all! I pray that this Christmas season has brought with it many blessings for you and your family and that the light of the Christ child has illuminated any areas of your heart that may feel oppressed by darkness. He has come and He keeps on coming so we may have hope and take courage!

As per usual, I am happy to share with you some of what has happened in my life over the last few months...

Important Events

- In September and October, we sisters offered a mini-series on evangelization with the students here at Texas A&M and were able to even do hands-on experiences with them on campus. It was a particular joy getting to not only speak about evangelization but to do it along side of them.

- November unofficially became "AVI Parents Month" as many of our parents visited us in College Station during that time.

- On November 19 I became a Godmother (for the first time) to a beautiful baby boy named David Michael Ortiz. He is the son of good friends Michael and Samantha Ortiz. 

- On December the 8th Sr. Kate Cropp became the 19th Apostle of the Interior Life to profess the promises of chastity, poverty, and obedience. Her consecration was held at the St. Lawrence Catholic Center in Lawrence, KS. It is there that God called Kate to be totally His while she was a student at KU.

My parents and I in front of our chapel in College Station

Story Time

December 7th marked the 4th anniversary of my consecration as an Apostle of the Interior Life. It was a day uniquely impacted by the Lord's presence, showing up in mysterious ways that I could have never anticipated but that I truly needed...

That morning I was struck by the first reading from the prophet Isaiah (Is 26:1-6):
A nation of firm purpose you keep in peace;
in peace, for its trust in you.
Trust in the LORD forever!
For the LORD is an eternal Rock.

I had prayed with this very reading during the retreat in preparation for my consecration that I had done, led by my formator Sr. Janel. I remember having been struck by the idea of being "of firm purpose" and of receiving the Lord's gift of peace by simply choosing to trust in Him, my Rock. Again, 4 years later, I found myself in need of that very peace that only the Lord could give, and I felt invited to surrender in trust to Him.

As Vocation Director it was my job to organize "all-things-Liturgy" for the consecration of our newest sister Kate. I was not necessarily surprised by the anxiety and stress that I was experiencing. After all, I've been living with myself for over 30 years now: my perfectionism and performance anxiety is no new thing to me. It was a kind of default for me - a safe space - to take an analytical approach, paying attention to minute details and reviewing various lists and checkboxes in my mind. However, I was keenly aware that the Lord desired more for me in those days - that, perhaps, in fact, I desired more for myself too. He wanted me to be attuned to my heart and not only to my mind. He wanted me to truly enter into those days, let go of the control, and cling to the eternal Rock in trust...and in peace.

This meant that I first needed to recognize where I was not at peace, to name those fears and anxieties burdening my heart, to notice what wasn't going the way I had planned and to acknowledge my helplessness to do anything about it. It also meant noticing how inwardly focused I was and how all of my anxiety revolved around me. And finally, it meant having to accept myself in that very instant, exactly how I was.

As we entered into the final preparations for the adoration vigil that we Apostles host on the eve of a first consecration, the anxious feelings of my heart could no longer be rationalized away or kept at bay by the controlling thoughts of my brain. I felt overcome by the pressure to be perfect (according to my unreachable standard of perfection) and to make everyone happy (according to another of my unreachable standards). I was unable to hide it any longer and found myself the recipient of my sisters' concern and kind words. I was even prayed over spontaneously by three of my sisters who, with this act of simple and yet great faith, reminded me that the Lord is my eternal Rock and at each moment I can entrust myself to Him again and open myself up to His peace.

A few moments later, Kate appeared, all dressed and ready to head to the church for the adoration vigil. I'm not exactly sure what it was, but something about how she entered the room, the smile on her face, and the shared wonder and awe of us sisters and women in formation as we looked upon this bride-to-be...something about the sense of that moment caused a shift in my heart.

I slowly walked upstairs to get ready for the evening myself. As another couple of sisters rummaged around in the room, gathering last minute things and filling their purses, I sat down on the bed and closed my eyes for a second. Taking some slow deep breaths, I returned to the image of Kate walking into the living room on her way to the car. No longer only consumed with myself, I began to talk to the Lord about that moment: Lord, Kate is so beautiful. You must be so proud and filled with joy that she is giving herself to you so completely through her consecration tomorrow. Of this there was no doubt in my mind, and it was as if I was participating in His pride and joy. And then, ever so gently and tenderly He spoke back to me: Yes, just as I am so proud and filled with joy that you have given yourself to me through your consecration.

Peace flooded my heart. No doubt was in my mind. I was set firmly on the eternal Rock. The Lord knew me. He knew of my tendencies to perfectionism and to anxiety when He called me to Himself years ago. He knew me in that present moment in which I had allowed those fears to overwhelm me and distract me from what was True, Good, and Beautiful. He knew me after 4 years of consecration and was still looking upon me as His beautiful bride of whom He is well pleased. I opened my eyes with a smile on my face and left the house with a new strength that was not of me.

The songs we sang in the adoration vigil that evening were handpicked for Kate and yet they gave me a chance to celebrate my own consecration anniversary with a new awareness of how the Lord continues to make "Beautiful Things" out of my life, of His desire to be my "One Thing", and of our mutual desire to "Sing My Love" to each other.

The music team and Kate (the one in the middle)
the day after her consecration

Where is my heart?

As perhaps made clear through my story time, as of late, my heart has been experiencing a wide variety of emotions. It's like the Lord is allowing me to become more keenly aware of my interior movements so as to be able to invite Him more intentionally into them. It's not always easy (or pleasant) to grow in this awareness. In fact, at times, I really would rather just play the "ignorance-is-bliss" card and not give my heart any attention at all. But, as I learned on December 7th, the Lord desires more for me than a false mental control that momentarily distracts me from the fears and anxieties of my heart. He calls me to live in the integrity of my whole person: mind, body, heart, spirit. 

And - as also alluded to in the story above - I find that His desire matches my own. Deep down, I also desire to live fully and profoundly; to feel the effect of each movement of my heart; to give names to these movements and not have them exist in me as hidden forces I do not know. Ever so gently and tenderly the Lord calls me into this. And when I resist - when I pull away - He remains firm, calling me to Him, promising His presence, His peace, His love. 

A tool that I have found to be helpful for me to enter into this integration of my whole person into my relationship with Christ is that of the Daily Examen Prayer. This prayer originates from the spiritual tradition of St. Ignatius of Loyola. This past semester, in a particular way, I have allowed this form of prayer to take a more prominent role in my daily life, and I am seeing it's many fruits already even now. 

The way I live the prayer is simple. At the end of the day, when all of my tasks are done and all that remains is to go to bed...
  1. I put myself intentionally in the presence of the Lord: Come Lord Jesus. Here I am before You.
  2. I start to remember the moments (both big and small) of my day in chronological order and...
    1. I praise Him and thank Him for His many gifts
    2. I ask forgiveness for where I didn't respond fully to Him or I failed to love
    3. I linger in the different thoughts, feelings, desires I experienced in those moments and allow the Lord to see me there as only He does
  3. I look forward to the next day and already then invite Him into the different experiences I foresee
  4. I finish with a simple prayer of praise: All Glory be...
This prayer often only takes about 5-10 minutes although I find myself remaining longer at times. It has become a space of great intimacy with the Lord, especially when it comes to lingering in how I lived certain moments. No one else knows or sees those heart movements or little thoughts or deep desires. I wouldn't even be able to fully communicate them if I tried. And yet, God knows them and sees them, and He loves me in them. He delights in me sharing them with Him. And so, too, do I find joy in inviting Him into those otherwise unchartered territories of my heart. 

Prayer Intentions

For my family: for the gift of good health and for continued growth in holiness 

For my godson David and his parents, Michael and Samantha, at the beginning of his life and faith journey.

For my sisters living with me here in Texas: for our community life and for the mission that we share

For Sr. Francesca and her family: for the soul of her mom, Filomena, who passed away suddenly and unexpectedly just a few days before Christmas

For Sr. Kate as she travels back to Rome to continue her daily life there as a newly consecrated member of the Apostles of the Interior Life 

For all the women in formation and in discernment with our community as they seek to know God's love and respond fully to it in the Vocation that He is calling them to 

For the new semester of campus ministry here at St. Mary's Catholic Center in College Station that serves the students of Blinn, Rellis, and Texas A&M

With Bishop Joe Vasquez at the celebration
of the 75th Anniversary of the Diocese of Austin

United in Him,
Sr. Cherise

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Newsletter Update September 2023

September 17, 2023

Dear Family and Friends!

It has been a little while since I have written to y’all…but I have a lot of great things to share since my last newsletter, and I can’t wait to do so! The Lord has been so good (as usual) and has graced me with many new experiences of His love and goodness!

I will follow the normal format of my newsletters sharing some important events that have happened and/or will be happening in the coming future, recounting a story from the past several months, giving a more personal sharing from my heart, and offering you a way to support me by taking into your own time with the Lord some of my personal prayer intentions.

Important Events

May – June: I assisted at the Summer Program for Seminarians put on by the Institute for Priestly Formation (IPF) and I got to participate in their 8-day silent retreat as well: many incredible graces received in those days of silence. 

June – I got to spend 2 weeks at home in Hallettsville as well as with my brother and his family in Flower Mound. Nothing like some time in the country (with puppies!) and bonding time with the niece and nephew (who are growing so fast!!). 

July – I spent a month in Italy (Rome and Assisi) and it did my heart such good to return to a place that is so dear to me! 

July 29 – the new church of St. Mary’s Catholic Center in College Station was dedicated and I got to participate in the Mass. It was a beautiful experience of which I will share more in “Story Time”.

August 26 – our Texas house is now home to SIX Apostles this year and we will all be together starting this day. Our Sisters are: me, Sr. Clara, Sr. Raffaella, Sr. Kalin, Sr. Ruth, and (after 2 years in Rome) Sr. Tatum! We are excited for a new pastoral year and a full house. 

Story Time

It was about two decades in the making…living in the minds and hearts of pastors, associates, staff, and permanent parishioners. Plans had been drawn, scrapped, redrawn, scrapped, and then redrawn again. Money was being funded, a final architect and building company hired, and the dream seemed to slowly but surely take shape into reality.

The historic groundbreaking happened in May of 2021.

The impressive dome was put in place in March of 2022.

Our Lady of Victory was secured on top of that same dome in June of 2023.

And then…this magnificent structure became a church on July 29, 2023.

We all excitingly waited in the various “holding pens” of the St. Mary’s Campus: permanent parishioners in the “old church”; benefactors and guests in the JPII Event Center; students under the outdoor tents; bishops, priests, seminarians, and servers all in their designated vesting areas. As 10 am approached we began to process out quietly to Nagel street, blocked off by police for the occasion. We stood in silence looking up at the impressive structure, taking in its size, and admiring its beauty. Before us, the words that would greet every guest of the new church from that day forward: Behold, I make all things new.

The Procession officially began as the many priests, seminarians, servers, and bishops made their way to the entrance of the church. The construction company handed off the keys to Bishop Joe Vasquez (Diocese of Austin) who, in turn, handed them off to St. Mary’s pastor, Fr. Will Straten. We all entered into the dark church – no lights were turned on as a symbol that Christ’s light had not yet entered into it. The Mass commenced with great solemnity and an atmosphere of immense joy. All joined in the familiar mass parts led by the choir of students who gave up part of their summer to participate in this event.

After the Liturgy of the Word and the homily, we entered into a very particular part of the dedication Mass – something I had never witnessed before. The relics of three saints (Pope Saint John Paul II, Saint Teresa of Calcutta, and Saint Jose Sanchez del Rio) were reverently and permanently placed under the altar. Bishop Joe generously poured chrism oil all over the marble altar in order to consecrate it as a worthy place for the celebration of the Eucharistic feast. That same chrism oil was then place on 12 columns throughout the church by former pastors, and now bishops, David Konderla (Tulsa, OK) and Mike Sis (San Angelo, TX), as well as Bishop Joe and Fr. Will. Only then were the lights turned on and did we all experience the collective intake of breath at the vibrancy of the colors on the walls and the intensity of the gold throughout the interior of the church. The celebration of the Liturgy of the Eucharist meant that Christ, for the first time in His Eucharistic presence, was there in that space, and we, as a congregation gathered that day, were able to profess our faith and our desire to be united as a community by partaking of the same feast and truly “making” communion.

After the various “thank you’s” were said, the blessing was given, and the last songs sung many lingered in the church, soaking it all in, taking pictures, and basking in the gift of participating in that great event. We were all one family rejoicing together for a place we could together call “home”…a place that would never be the same after that day’s celebration. And just as it was with the words of Jesus that we were greeted upon our entrance, it was His words that sent us on our way also: Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…

Inside the New Church after the Dedication Mass

To watch a video of the dedication Mass click on this link:

To see a digital 3D rendering of the Church go to this link:

Where is my heart?

Part of the reason that I have taken so long to get this newsletter out, is the “busy-ness” of this season of life. It is my first “second year” in Campus Ministry, and I must say, I underestimated the reality of returning and starting a new year. So many outreach events in which to remember old faces and learn new ones. Lots of “totally new” amidst the “already familiar”. The original sensation of adventure and discovery has dimmed to a more normal dosage. The reality of adulthood and responsibility is ever more apparent and felt...

…And in all of this my heart is both ‘scattered’ and ‘gathered’. Some days I feel like so much is happening (both externally and internally) that I will never be able to catch up, much less keep up! Other days I am more centered and stable: both feet firmly planted in the here and now. But I can honestly say that all days, even those more ‘scattered’ than ‘gathered’, I am the blissfully unworthy beneficiary of the Lord’s constant presence.

When I sway back and forth, He is unwavering. When I am confused, He is certain. When I know not where to turn, He places Himself right in my eyesight. When all is good, He makes it even sweeter.

Currently my heart is immersed in this mystery, the mystery of the love of a God who was, is, and ever shall be. And being a mystery, there are so few words to give voice to the experience. I’m not always interested in it. Some days I prefer to sulk in whatever is keeping me most ‘scattered’. But when I do let Him in, and when I do allow myself to remember who He is for me and who I am for Him…I am all of a sudden (why does it still surprise me?) ‘gathered’ up in His infinite love. It usually doesn’t change what is externally happening: the stressful responsibilities are still there; the difficult situations are not yet resolved. And even the internal struggles may even remain. But a new light and peace enter into my heart. I am caught up in a momentary stillness and quiet, in which I can just be and know that I am loved. This brief moment, sometimes lasting even just seconds, contains a truth and a promise: I am with you. You are Mine.

An epic gelato run on my last night in Rome this summer!
Thank you to our benefactors!!

Saying bye to my beloved Rome before returning to my beloved Texas!

Prayer Intentions

Our new household of 6 sisters as we seek to live in unity and mutual love, as well as dedicate ourselves fully to the mission entrusted to us.

The students of Texas A&M, Blinn, and Rellis that we serve at St. Mary’s Catholic Center: that they find a home in Christ and in the Church during their years of study here.

Our 4 women in formation in Rome: that they continue to be open to how the Lord desires to walk with them in this period of life.

Our 2 women in discernment here in Texas: that they, too, are open to God’s love so as to recognize through what way of life He is calling them to love Him back.

My family: their health and intentions.

My friend Alycia and her husband Elvi as they welcome their first born son this November.

Snagging a selfie with my niece, Emma Kate,
on the last day of my visit!

United always in Him,

Sr. Cherise

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Newsletter Update December 2022

Dear Family and Friends!

Merry Christmas to all of you from College Station, Texas. As I had mentioned in my last newsletter, this year I was reassigned to our house that serves the students of Texas A&M and Blinn College. What a humbling blessing to be able to return and serve in a place where I received so much as a student. I have only been here a semester but, in good Texas fashion, I have been warmly welcomed and already feel so incredibly known and loved. It is truly a gift to call this place home.

My new house and new local community!

In this newsletter you will be able to read a little about the important events that have happened this year and that are upcoming as well as hear a detailed story from my time here so far, receive a little heart sharing of mine, and learn how you can support me with your prayers for my intentions.

Important Events

-          August: I moved from Rome, Italy to College Station, Texas and, after a week of family time, I officially started campus ministry here at St. Mary’s Catholic Center.

-          September 2: We moved into our new house that St. Mary’s provided for us since we have a larger community here this year - 5 Sisters and a young woman in formation arriving in January!

-          December: our community is spending its first ever Christmas in Texas!

-          December 26 – January 2: I get to spend a week at home at the same time as my brother and his family

-          January 5: the AVI Missionary Semester begins and a young woman will move closer to our community in order to continue her discernment. As Vocation Director I will be accompanying her in these coming months.

-          January 7-10: the AVI Vocational Retreat will be happening in Kansas with the participation of 9 young women open to consecrated life and specifically knowing more about our community.

-          January 11: Alexa, one of our young women in formation, moves into the Texas house for a semester long pastoral experience as part of her formation.

-          February 10: I’m entering into a new decade as I turn 30 this year!

Story Time

On September 29th of this year, I experienced my first ever Eucharistic Procession on the campus of Texas A&M. In fact, it is only the second time that this has ever been done, and what an experience it was!

Just imagine: 700-800 students gathered in St. Mary’s main church as Jesus, present in the most Blessed Sacrament, is processed out by the priest (both preceded and followed by altar servers holding candles and creating a dignified space for our Lord to dwell in). Slowly, one-by-one, everyone filed out of the church onto the street headed towards North Gate where we would then cross University Drive (with the assistance of very kind police officers) onto campus. Alternating songs of praise with silence and the prayer of the rosary, the procession continued with both reverence and simplicity.

A part of the crowd, myself included, was dedicated to evangelization and had the joy of simply informing those on campus of what was happening. Each of us had a small stack of flyers that directed their recipients to a more detailed explanation of what we Catholics believe about the Eucharist on the St. Mary’s website.

I still remember the emotion I felt as I watched the procession depart from the church. I was strategically placed a little in front of it so that I could encounter those who would see it from afar. As the priest moved slowly and yet surely along the path mapped out for the procession, I couldn’t help but delight in the Lord’s desire to go out and encounter those who are not coming to meet Him in the Church. I also felt a surge of pride: this is my Bridegroom, the One to whom my whole heart belongs, and look at all of these people who want to walk with Him out on campus, who want to be recognized as His followers and counted among those who belong to Him.

I don’t have any conversion stories to share with you from that night but I did have many different encounters and conversations in which I was able to testify to the Lord’s presence in the Eucharist, share about all that is happening at St. Mary’s, and even pray with and for two young women who were struck by such an event. I can still see the faces of those I met that night, although I must admit to no longer be in contact with any of them. But I keep trusting that the Lord will use that encounter, perhaps just one of a whole string of encounters, to bring those young people closer to Him. I trust that it may be part of His plan to give to them the gift He came to give us all – the gift which deep down we all seek – “life and life to the full” (Jn 10:10).

Where is my heart?

As we enter into this Christmas season my heart is really resonating with the Psalmist as he sings: Let the Lord enter; He is the King of Glory (Ps 24). For me, this first semester doing campus ministry at St. Mary’s Catholic Center in College Station has been one of many firsts. I’ve encounter quite the learning curve! But it has also been a time filled with discovery, wonder, joy, and gratitude.

I say that I have experienced many firsts because that’s just the reality of things here in Aggieland. I know the place pretty well – I spent 5 years here back between 2011 and 2016 – but I’ve never lived here as a consecrated woman, I’ve never been involved in campus ministry here (if not but on the receiving end), and I’ve never lived with some of my sisters that I now share a home with. And as the psalmist invites me to “let the Lord enter” I can almost hear Jesus’s gentle voice: “yes, let Me enter; let Me live each moment with you; let me be a part of every decision, difficulty, joy…” It’s what my heart yearns for – to share life with the Lord – but it is also what I find myself often running away from. When that learning curve gets real steep I turn to myself, to my own strengths, and try to “figure things out” or “push through”. But the Lord doesn’t ask me to do anything alone, and He doesn’t even ask most of the things I ask of myself, namely perfection and worldly success. What He does ask of me is to do things with Him, to be in relationship with Him. If I do succeed, He wants us to succeed together, and if I don’t, He still wants to experience that with me.

And when new discoveries (about myself, the world, or the Lord) bring my heart to wonder, joy, and gratitude, I hear that Voice yet again whispering to me: “let Me enter; let Me dwell there with you; let’s marvel, rejoice, and give thanks together.” There have been some mornings in which I’ve woken up with a smile almost unable to believe that this is my life, that this is what I get to do every day (i.e. serve in campus ministry as an Apostle of the Interior Life at St. Mary’s Catholic Center). And there have been evenings in which I’ve looked back over my day with sheer happiness thinking to myself “what a great day!” These are always beautiful moments but they even become more beautiful when that smile becomes a gift, that thought becomes a conversation, that reflection becomes a prayer. When the everyday events of our lives become places of encounter with the Lord, it is then that we are letting the Lord enter; we are allowing the King of Glory to reign in our hearts.

This is where my heart is. It’s in a good place, a warm and cozy place, but it’s also being called into new places, into a new deepening, into a more intimate encounter. It is being called to “let the Lord enter” with trust and love for Him who “is the King of Glory”.   

Singing at St. Mary's

Prayer Intentions

-          AVI Vocational Retreat: please keep the 9 participants and our team of 4 Apostles in your prayers as we prepare for this event. May it be a blessed experience for these young women in discernment.

-          AVI Missionary Semester: please pray for this young woman and her discernment as well as for me and my accompaniment of her throughout the journey.

-          The young women in formation: please continue to pray for Alexa, Kate, Liz, and Laurita as they continue their years of formation seeking to learn more about themselves, the community, and God’s will for their lives.

-          In a special way please pray for Alexa as she moves into our house here in Texas this January in order to live a semester long pastoral experience as part of her formation.

-          Please continue to pray for my family: my parents (Robert and Margaret), my brother and sister-in-law (Brandon and Jen) and their two kids (Shepherd and Emma Kate) – may they all, especially the little ones, continue to grow, stay healthy, and know more and more deeply God’s personal love for each of them.

United always in Him,

Sr. Cherise

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**to unsubscribe at any time, reply to this email with “unsubscribe” in the subject headline

***my blog (that I try to post on every now and then):

Sunday, September 4, 2022

A New Front Door

Last week our local community moved into a new house after fourteen years in our dear ranch style home on Oaklawn. Over the years many Apostles called it home and several of us lived there as young women in formation. I personally spent much of my discernment of the community in that house, praying in its sweet little chapel, and seeing for the first time what consecrated life looked like from the inside.

It was a bittersweet parting. On one hand I could feel the excitement of what was new: a new local community (our combination of sisters have never all lived together), a new quantity of sisters (we’ve never been so many in an American house), and all of this in a new home! But of course, as boxes and furniture left through the front door and the house became emptier and emptier, a layer of sadness coated the immense gratitude that filled my heart.

Gratitude was the primary and overwhelming sensation. That house became a home for me long before its keys resided in my purse pocket. In it I experienced a variety of encounters. Firstly, with the Lord who, during my college years, pursued my heart in a way that I had never been pursued before, and slowly but surely conquered it and claimed it as His own. It was also a place of encounter with my neighbor. The different sisters who lived there revealed to me, through their simplicity of life, the beauty and joy of giving one’s whole self to the Lord. The students who visited their home along with me taught me that it’s possible to seek virtue and holiness, all while maintaining a healthy “normalcy”.

But a knot did creep up into my throat as we prayed one last prayer in the chapel and accompanied Jesus to His new home. It was a simple prayer, one of thanksgiving and intercession: for those who had passed through its doors and for those who will come in the future. That it continue to be a place of encounter with the Lord even if in a new way, and that our new home be filled with His presence as this one had been.

Interestingly enough, or perhaps fittingly so, once the Blessed Sacrament was out of the house, I began to move boxes and furniture with more ease. It was as if He preceded us to the new home and was now calling us to follow Him. In fact, His presence was the defining one under that roof. He is the source and center. It was never about that particular sister who lived there (she comes and goes). And it was never about those certain students that came more frequently (their turnover rate remains stable at 4 years). It has always been Him. And it will be His presence that characterizes the new home as well.

There is still a lot of unpacking and organizing to be done. By no means are we “all settled in” but He is here. And so, our little local community comes together as a response to His call and with trust we begin a new adventure ready to create new memories with new sisters and new students, all behind a new front door but in the presence of the same Lord who is as good and as loving as ever.


Thanks for all of the memories Oaklawn house: birthdays, Easter lilies, community life, baking kolaches, celebrating victory (KU National Championship), and Night prayer with the students. You will be missed but there are many new memories to come!



Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Newsletter Update July 2022

July 20, 2022

Dear Family and Friends!

I am writing to y’all from a new location: Assisi, Italy! This year our community is doing its vacation and planning time here. What a gift to be in such a peaceful place where many a saintly foot has trod! Know that I am holding every one of you in my prayers in each of the special places we are able to visit while here. That said, let’s jump right into our normal newsletter format…

BUT FIRST! I have an important piece of news and life update to share: I have received a new mission and will be moving back to Texas! I will live in our house in College Station and dedicate my time to campus ministry and vocational work in the States. As you can imagine, this will be the overarching theme of the rest of the Newsletter so keep reading to find out more!...

Important Events

- July 1-21 – community time in Assisi with all of the sisters (vacation/planning for the new year)

- July 24-30 – my annual Spiritual Exercises (I will do them again in Loreto, Italy)

- August 1 – I fly to Texas (without a return ticket!!) (and my parents celebrate 35 years of marriage!)

- August 1-8 – family time at home

- August 8 – arrival in College Station to start my new mission

- Late August/early September – move into a bigger house in College Station

- December 7 – third anniversary of my consecration

Story Time

Sometimes, unfortunately, we consecrated people can seem to be immersed in a one-sided relationship. Our Spouse – the Divine Bridegroom – is invisible to the naked eye and so, externally, it would appear that, apart from community activities, we do most things alone: we pray alone, we sleep alone, we rejoice alone, we grieve alone, we succeed and we fail…alone. This can be the impression one has from the outside looking in but what about the vantage point of us consecrated people? How can we fall into this one-sided view of our relationship with the Lord?

I noticed this happening to me recently as I was planning my goodbyes to people here in Italy and making a schedule of my last visits to favorite sites in Rome. As I made out my long detailed list and inserted it into my google calendar, it honestly never occurred to me that Jesus might also have people and places that He wanted to see and to visit with me before my departure. And as I stressed and got frustrated when days passed and didn’t go “perfectly” according to plan, I had no idea what joy He had in store for us.

In those last full weeks in Rome, I finally started to accept that I just wasn’t going to see certain people or places. My “failure” in planning left me with some unexpected “free” moments. Unbeknownst to me, the Lord would soon fill these with encounters that I did not even dare to desire for as much as they were “impossible” – friends who normally live in different countries, continents, and even hemispheres that traveled to Rome in those very days! He organized day trips in which I got to see historic parts of Rome that we usually don’t have tickets for. He even had me “randomly” run into people who I had only seen one other time in my life just to bring to mind a special memory with Him! The experiences I had jam packed into those few days put to shame the measly little schedule I had put so much thought and effort into.

When that last week was finally over and I found myself packed and ready for our month of community time in Assisi before my flight back to Texas, I sat down in awe. The week that I had dreaded for months – the one that I couldn’t decide if I wanted to never have to live or live really fast just to get it over with – that week had been, more than anything else, filled with Him, saturated with His presence: the presence of the Bridegroom who gently and creatively weaved everything together for His beloved bride. It was as if He wanted to ever so softly and yet firmly remind me that He isn’t just a part of those big existential questions of my life but wants to have a say in every little aspect. He has memories, favorite places, and friends too. And He wants to share them with me and be consulted about how we use our time together because our love is not one sided… it goes both ways.

Where is my heart?

So…the month of June was my “goodbye month” in Rome. Needless to say, it was a month of many emotions. As we say in Italian, some days I was more “up” (su) and other days I was more “down” (giù). I learned a lot that month: about myself, about the Lord…about my heart.

At first everything was a bit heavy. I hadn’t started saying my goodbyes yet and the thought of them immediately brought tears to my eyes and a knot to my throat. The temptation was to slip into “nostalgic mode” and mentally list off all that I would no longer do, see, have…once I moved to Texas. This did not help to lift my low spirits. Rather, it pulled me deeper into the heaviness I was already experiencing.

What was the game changer you ask? Living in the present moment. Once I actually started saying my goodbyes, I experienced anew the grace that lives in the here and now. It wasn’t as terrible as I had imagined, and if I didn’t manage to see that person or place I wanted to, the Lord had something else in store.

The pain of saying goodbye to people that have become dear to us – or even to places that have been important for our journey – is normal and healthy. It is a sign that love and goodness existed in those relationships and that the Lord manifested Himself in concrete places. But this pain isn’t meant to be desperate or bitter. Rather, it should bring about hope and be sweet because it is a reminder of God’s goodness and a promise that He will continue to bless us with life-giving relationships and concrete places of encounter with Him.

Once I was able to collocate myself in the present moment, immense gratitude began to blossom in my heart. How great is Your goodness oh God! How much You must love me to give me such good gifts! What ever can I do to thank You, to praise You adequately, for all You have done in my life? What other wonders must You have in store for me in this new adventure?...

And so it is in this place that I now find my heart: settled in the ground of His goodness, overflowing with gratitude and joy. Peace and excitement for what is to come. I make my own the words of the former U.N. Secretary General Dag Hammarskjöld: “For all that has been, Thanks. To all that shall be, Yes!”

Prayer Intentions

- For my Spiritual Exercises: that I may live them with openness to whatever word the Lord wants to speak into my heart.

- For my transition into the new mission and the new community in Texas: for graces of patience in adjusting to a new atmosphere and rhythm of life; as well as trust that God’s will is the “better part” for all who embrace it with joy.

- For the community in Rome that I am leaving and for the sisters who are transitioning from a mission in the States to life in the Eternal City.

- For our work in campus ministry at St. Mary’s Catholic Center; for all of the students, new and returning, and for all of the staff: that the Lord may be generous in encountering each of them where they are at.

- For our young women in formation, for their discernment and journey towards consecration as an Apostle of the Interior Life: Alexa, Kate, Liz, and Laurita.

- For the young women discerning a possible call to Consecrated Life and in particular to our community: that they may be open to God’s invitation and that we may be ready to accompany them in their journey.


Enjoying the beautiful sunsets in Assisi

With Laurita after an afternoon of evangelization in St. Peter's Square

With Aunt Sharon and Karin at the Colosseum!

Taking a walk by the Trevi Fountain

Taking a last look at the ancient beginnings of the Eternal City

United always in Him,

Sr. Cherise

*to be added to this email list serve email me at:

**to unsubscribe at any time, reply to this email with “unsubscribe” in the subject headline

***my blog (that I try to post on every now and then):

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Peace Starts Here

After weeks of attention on the Russian-Ukrainian border, I find myself holding my breath every time I open my phone or computer to search for any breaking news updates. With a Russian invasion under way, the military conflict is escalating too quickly for me to stay on top of the latest news.

I’m finding it hard to put into words what is going through my mind and heart. In some ways it all still seems so far away from my daily life: I can still walk around freely outside, meet up with friends, carry on my normal apostolic activities, and return to a warm house where I never lack food or any basic needs. On the other hand, I feel within me that something is different, that I can’t ignore what is going on in the world just because I am not experiencing any direct consequences (…yet).

And this isn’t even the only conflict currently plaguing our all too war torn world. Sure, it happens to be the one in which more countries are involved in some way or another, and as a consequence, it is the one with the most media coverage. But what about conflicts in other parts of the world…those other humanitarian crises that are ongoing with seemingly no end in sight?

All of these reflections have left me feeling helpless and powerless. What can I, a young consecrated American woman living in Rome, Italy, do to help? What has to change about my daily life because of my awareness of these realities? Can I really just keep living as I have been?

In the midst of these questions three little words have been resonating in my heart: peace starts here.

In today’s Gospel we read: “A good person out of the store of goodness in his heart produces good, but an evil person out of a store of evil produces evil; for from the fullness of the heart the mouth speaks” (Lk 6:45).

Conflicts like the ones existing in our world today are not born overnight. They are a result of a series of choices, a chain of concrete actions, a terrifying and seemingly unstoppable domino effect. What needs changing in our world is not so much a certain ideology or political system – those come and go. It is from the heart that comes forth either good or evil. It is the human person that chooses how to employ the freedom given to him by his Creator. What needs changing – what needs constant conversion – is each single person’s heart.

And so I ask myself: What goodness is stored up in my heart? What evil is housed there instead? Do I harbor positive or negative thoughts about those around me, those with whom I live? Do I tend to carry grudges or have I learned to forgive? What is the “main ingredient” of the fullness of my heart from which my mouth speaks? In a word, do I cultivate peace within me and in my relationships?

Today I feel invited to allow peace to start with me, to make choices that create around me a peaceful environment characterized by dialogue, humility, and forgiveness. I don’t pretend that it will be easy or that I will be “successful”. I know too well my own selfish tendencies and the pride I carry within. But I have to start somewhere at some time and where better than here and now?

Just think, if each one of us takes this verse of the Gospel to heart and sincerely tries to store up goodness in order to sow goodness, how much more goodness would there be in the world as a result? It only takes the conversion of one heart and one concrete action to start a new domino effect…

Peace starts with me. It starts with you. Peace starts here.

May the peace of Christ reign in your hearts. Col 3:15