Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Ash Wednesday: A day to celebrate?

Wearing these ashes proud!

I honestly had no expectations when I woke up this morning. Yes, like the years that came before it I had my moment of looking at the clock at some early hour in the morning (3-something today) and thinking first, “yes, I still have a few hours” and then, smiling, “it’s my birthday!”, but still, it’s Ash Wednesday and it had already been determined that we would celebrate later. But even though I had postponed the celebration, I truly felt that God celebrated me all day today!

First, I woke to a “joke-of-a-good” breakfast that I didn’t have to prepare so woohoo! (See picture for more details…yes that is a piece of bread NOT a jelly filled donut as I initially thought/hoped). This would be but the first reminder of the wonderful sisters the Lord has given me to live with. Ones who truly love me enough to both annually write me heartfelt birthday letters and daily help me grow in virtue (not always – or ever – easy).

Next, after a peaceful time of prayer, I proceeded to go about my normal Wednesday routine determined to live my Ash Wednesday well. This meant doing one of my least favorite activities: cleaning. But I did it all with a smile on my face and a tune on my lips and boy did it feel good to return to a clean house this afternoon!

After phone conversations reminded me once more how loved I am and how thankful I should be for the technology that enables communication and sends priest’s blessings through radio waves, I hurriedly walked to campus on this beautiful 70 degree “winter” day. Oh Jesus how did you know I didn’t like the cold? Oh, because you made me that way. That’s right! Thanks!

Participating in Mass at Rudder Theater on campus was really something beautiful. Having gone to concerts and theater events there, it was really special seeing it used as the platform for the greatest act (of love) ever performed. Hundreds of students and faculty were gathered there to be reminded that we are sinners and in need of a Savior…a Savior who has come and continues to come to us in the Eucharist every single day!! So powerful!

One of the best things about today however were all of the conversations that the Lord organized for me. This includes the quick hellos or hugs shared with dear friends I don’t always see in passing as well as unexpected deep conversations about prayer and God’s will. He just knows me so well!

As per usual, I had my bible study this evening with (I might be biased) but the best small group of girls ever! I really always look so forward to this hour of my week and was so delighted to spend part of my birthday with them breaking open the Word and sharing the movements it provokes in our hearts.

Later, upon returning home, I excitedly remembered the promise made to me to watch a movie I’ve been bugging the sisters about since Facebook showed me the trailer. Full of Grace is a movie that I truly can call “my kind of movie.” It may seem slow to some as it is without a lot of action but, as one of our sisters put it, it is more of a meditation. And meditate with it I did. In fact, if given the chance, I could pause it after many of the dialogues and find myself lost in the beauty of the words. Besides the fact that you should all go get and watch it write now, the one thing I’d like to share with you is Mary’s final message: remember every day the first time He looked upon you (how it felt, what it was like, how it happened, Him) and you will glorify the Lord with your life. What a simple yet beautiful message about the power of the gaze of Christ. Oh and there was so much more! But I will leave that to your own unpacking!

Finally, like always, we ended the day just as it began: in the chapel with Jesus. Today’s Night Prayer, for me, was followed by a moment of great gratitude for all I’ve been given and all that is yet to come. I recognized more deeply my desire for intimacy with the One who gave me life and calls me to give Him my life more and more each day. Jesus, open my heart so that it may increasingly receive Your love and thus better share it with the world.
Me: "Wow look at these pretty roses!"
Sr. Tatum: "It's because of your birthday!"

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